Thursday, February 27, 2020

Toyota Australia to UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Toyota Australia to UAE - Essay Example The popularity of the Toyota and its reputation has been considered in dealing with the analysis. Selection of areas were highlighted which could provide added benefit to the export of the business. The underlying risk associated with the entry of foreign markets was also studied in detail. The market of UAE have been found to be promising for the Australian export market and owing to the benefits the market provides Toyota should not resist its temptation to test its fortune in the market. An added advantage which the market of UAE provides is in the low price of diesels, which generally increases the sale of cars. Other than the general market analysis a study of the associated service has been done to find out whether any obstacles lie in the smooth running of the business. 7. Macro-environmental analysis of UAE 7.1 Political and Legal Environment of UAE: The government of UAE is the combination of seven emirates which is ruled by the president. The government of UAE is flexible r elating to the investment from the foreign countries. It promotes and encourages foreign countries to enter their region and carry out business. Despite the nation being the combination of seven different emirates but there exist federalism in the UAE companies law and is applicable throughout. The UAE free zone offers 100%foreign ownership and tax exemptions to companies operating over a period of 15-50 years (United Arab Emirates UAE tax rates, n.d). So it is quite encouraging for the companies to invest in UAE. Owing to such favorable factors the foreign investment in UAE accounted to108billion dollar in 2011. (FDI in UAE, 2008,) 7.2 Economic Environment of UAE: The economic condition in UAE is always on a high and in recent times it is expected to grow at a rate of 3-3.5% in 2011. UAE’s rising economy can be contributed to the export of oil, which over the years have gained considerable amount of revenue for the country. It significantly rose to 30% and caused earnings of 74 billion dollars (UAE oil income up 30% in 2010, 2011). It happens to rise at a considerable rate every year. The employment rate in UAE is considerably high as the foreign companies are obliged to recruit local people. Out of approximately 2 million populations in the emirate a staggering 86.6% of them are economically active. (Holdsworth, 2010) Dubai sees 19% decrease in unemployment rate 7.3 Socio-cultural Environment of UAE: The standards of living of the inhabitants are pretty high owing to the good financial position of most number of people. UAE has a diverse culture of people as many foreign bodies have established their base in the country. 7.4 Competitive Environment in UAE: The demand for luxury cars in UAE is always on a high and the automobile industry faces sufficient growth over the years in UAE. There is a strong presence of local car manufactures as well as the presence of international brands like Hyundai. The sales figure of Arabian automobiles recorded an 18% growth and the increase in sales of the Japanese firm was accounted due to introduction of new brands of car. The overall market grew by 19.7% in the year of 2010. The rise in sales of cars have added considerable amount of competition among the big players in the market. (UAE automotive industry record high growth in sales, 2011) 8. SWOT analysis STRENGTH 1. The company ,Toyota had

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Carrefour company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Carrefour company - Assignment Example items, products, food and merchandise and, secondarily, providing within the said stores all services that may be of interest to the customers was the purpose of establishing Carrefour (2012, p.272). This multi-format, multi-channel and multi-local group comprises of 9,994 stores which operates in thirty three different countries. Followed by the first hypermarket which was opened in 1963 in Sainte-Genevià ¨ve-des-Bois (Essonne), the company out-sourced in 1973, starting business in Spain (2012, p.05). During the consecutive years Carrefour expanded throughout the Europe, America, Middle-East and Asia and currently, more than 10 million customers annually visit Carrefour stores while 25,000 suppliers provide fresh food, grocery and other items such as small house-hold goods, textiles, home appliances (photo equipment, DVDs, sound and multimedia equipment) to its stores which are established worldwide. The objective of the current study is to analyze the activities and strategy of Carrefour which leads to its competitive advantage in the market and adopt Porter’s five forces competition theory model (Carrefour, 2012). The principal risk factors in the industry have been identified and categorized by Carrefour. These risk factors include, 1) business environment: Political and social environment, Economic environment and market volatility, Environment, pressure and regulatory changes, Changes in the sector and the competitive Environment, Natural disasters and climate change, Terrorism and crime 2) strategy and governance: Strategy definition, adjustment and implementation, Compliance and fair practices, Corporate responsibility, Environment, Disputes/Litigation 3) operations: Relevance and performance of economic and business models, Operational and financial control of growth and expansion, Partnerships and franchising, Control of the supply chain, Product quality, compliance and safety, Safety of people and property, Human resource management, Continuity,